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Micropliot FWR30 - smart level transmitter

Micropilot FWR30 - The cloud connected radar level sensor

From smart level monitoring to supply chain management

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70 documents
    • Technical Information (TI)

    Micropilot FWR30

    • Technical Information (TI)
    English version - 07/2022
    New version available in English

    Free space radar

    • Operating Instruction (BA)

    Micropilot FWR30

    • Operating Instruction (BA)
    English version - 09/2021
    New version available in English

    Free space radar

    • Short Instruction (KA)

    KA Micropilot FWR30

    • Short Instruction (KA)
    English version - 03/2024
    New version available in English

    Free space radar

    • Special Documentation (SD)

    Micropilot FWR30

    • Special Documentation (SD)
    English version - 07/2020
    New version available in English

    Free space radar

    • Special Documentation (SD)

    Netilion Value – 60 Days Free Trial

    • Special Documentation (SD)
    English version - 02/2021
    New version available in English

    Three simple steps to get started

    • Special Documentation (SD)

    Security Manual Micropilot FWR30

    • Special Documentation (SD)
    English version - 07/2022
    New version available in English

    Free space radar

    • PU (Publication)

    Transmisores de nivel radar para la medida de nivel Transmisores de nivel radar digital +

    • PU (Publication)
    Spanish version - 01/2024
    New version available in English

    Transmisores de nivel radar para la medida de nivel
    Transmisores de nivel radar digital +

    • PU (Publication)

    17 reasons, why intelligent level measurement can optimise your business

    • PU (Publication)
    English version - 02/2022
    New version available in English

    17 reasons, why intelligent level measurement can optimise your business
    It's so easy to benefit from cloud-based level measurement
    with the Micropilot FWR30

    • PU (Publication)

    17 reasons, why intelligent level measurement can optimise your business

    • PU (Publication)
    English version - 02/2022
    New version available in English

    17 reasons, why intelligent level measurement
    can optimise your business.
    It's so easy to benefit from cloud-based level
    measurement with the IIoT-Radarsebsor Micropilot FWR30.

    • PU (Publication)

    17 Gründe, warum intelligente Füllstandsmessung Ihr Business optimieren kann

    • PU (Publication)
    German version - 02/2022
    New version available in English

    17 Gründe, warum intelligente Füllstandsmessung
    Ihr Business optimieren kann.
    So einfach profitieren Sie von cloudbasierter
    Füllsandmessung mit dem IIoT-Radarsensor

    • PU (Publication)

    17 Gründe, warum intelligente Füllstandsmessung Ihr Business optimiert

    • PU (Publication)
    German version - 02/2022
    New version available in English

    17 Gründe, warum intelligente Füllstandsmessung
    Ihr Business optimieren kann. Profitieren Sie von
    cloudbasierter Füllsandmessung mit dem
    IIoT-Radarsensor Micropilot FWR30

    • Fields of Activities (FA)

    Level measurement

    • Fields of Activities (FA)
    English version - 10/2022
    New version available in English

    Product overview for applications in liquids and bulk solids

    • Fields of Activities (FA)


    • Fields of Activities (FA)
    German version - 10/2022
    New version available in English

    Produktübersicht für Anwendungen in Flüssigkeiten und Schüttgütern

    • Fields of Activities (FA)

    Misura di livello

    • Fields of Activities (FA)
    Italian version - 03/2023
    New version available in English

    Misura di livello
    Panoramica dei prodotti per applicazioni in liquidi e solidi sfusi

    • Case Study (CS)

    Medida de nivel remota mediante sensor de nivel inalámbrico alimentado por batería

    • Case Study (CS)
    Spanish version - 01/2022
    New version available in English

    Medida de nivel remota mediante sensor de nivel inalámbrico
    alimentado por batería
    Transmisor de nivel radar Micropilot FWR30

    • Case Study (CS)

    Solutions for remote level measurement

    • Case Study (CS)
    English version - 05/2022
    New version available in English

    Micropilot FWR30 – The wireless cloud-connected level sensor

    • Case Study (CS)

    Qualitative Hochwasservorhersage für ländliche Kommunen

    • Case Study (CS)
    German version - 06/2023
    New version available in English

    Lenzkirch setzt auf Netilion Flood Monitoring

    • Case Study (CS)

    Cabola ApS assure la satisfaction de ses clients et la propreté des piscines grâce à des solutions cloud et IIoT

    • Case Study (CS)
    French version - 07/2023
    New version available in English

    Chez Cabola ApS à Kolding (DK), il est de la plus haute
    importance de veiller à ce que les clients se sentent
    en sécurité. Cela s'applique à la fois à la sécurité au
    sens le plus conventionnel du terme et à la sécurité des

    • Case Study (CS)

    Cabolas ApS: Klanten zijn tevreden en zwembaden zijn schoon dankzij cloud en IIoT

    • Case Study (CS)
    Dutch version - 07/2023
    New version available in English

    Bij Cabola ApS in Kolding, is het van het grootste belang
    dat de klanten zich veilig voelen. Dit geldt zowel voor de
    veiligheid op de conventionele wijze als voor wat betreft
    de levering.

    • Case Study (CS)

    Cabolas ApS: Graças à solução IIoT na nuvem, nossos clientes estão satisfeitos e as piscinas estão sempre limpas

    • Case Study (CS)
    Portuguese version - 07/2023
    New version available in English

    A Cabola ApS em Kolding (DK) considera extremamente
    importante que os clientes se sintam seguros. Isto se
    aplica tanto à segurança no sentido mais convencional,
    quanto à segurança aplicada à entrega.

    • Case Study (CS)

    Effiziente Überwachung von Streusalzsilos_FWR30

    • Case Study (CS)
    German version - 12/2023
    New version available in English

    Autobahn GmbH testet digitale Bestandserfassung

    • Case Study (CS)

    Riego las 24 horas del día

    • Case Study (CS)
    Spanish version - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    Control remoto digital de las reservas de agua de las jardineras

    • Case Study (CS)

    24 uur per dag water geven

    • Case Study (CS)
    Dutch version - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    Digitale afstandsbewaking van de watervoorraad van plantenbakken

    • Case Study (CS)

    Solutions for the building materials industry

    • Case Study (CS)
    English version - 10/2022
    New version available in English

    Solutions for the building materials industry
    Level measurement of silos on construction sites

    • Case Study (CS)

    Lösungen für die Baustoffindustrie

    • Case Study (CS)
    German version - 01/2023
    New version available in English

    Lösungen für die Baustoffindustrie
    Füllstandmessung bei Baustellensilos

    • Case Study (CS)

    Bewässerung rund um die Uhr

    • Case Study (CS)
    German version - 03/2024
    New version available in English

    Digitale Fernüberwachung des Wasservorrats von Pflanzenkübeln

    • Case Study (CS)

    Watering around the clock

    • Case Study (CS)
    English version - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    Digital remote monitoring of plant containers

    • Case Study (CS)

    Irrigando 24 horas por dia

    • Case Study (CS)
    Portuguese version - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    Monitoramento remoto digital do suprimento de água em vasos de plantas

    • Case Study (CS)

    Irrigazione 24 ore su 24

    • Case Study (CS)
    Italian version - 07/2024
    New version available in English

    Monitoraggio digitale a distanza della
    riserva idrica dei secchi delle piante

    • Case Study (CS)

    Cabola ApS keeps customers happy and pools clean using cloud-based IIoT solutions

    • Case Study (CS)
    English version - 06/2023
    New version available in English

    When Cabola ApS in Kolding wanted help delivering
    products to customers on time, Endress+Hauser
    stepped up.