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  • Historique

Technical Services Bureau Co.

Our sales and service office in Jordan

Technical Services Bureau Co. is not only a supplier of field instruments but also a solution provider. We strive to fulfill the needs of our customers from the basic measuring device to the fully integrated solution. No matter if it is a single flow switch or an energy monitoring system, our services are always the same.

  • Directeur général

    Louise F. Batshone

  • Année de création


  • Nombre d'employés


  • Régions supportées


  • Collaboration depuis
    01 2005

Sales and services

  • Our target is to build a strong relation with our customers. Based on trust, transparency and unconditional support to the customer we are able to fulfill the customer needs from a single measuring device to the complete solution system.

  • Représentant


  • Technical Services Bureau Co.

    Technical Services Bureau Co.

    Sahab Industrial Estate Road

    200m before Grain Silos

    P.O. Box 113

    11636 Amman, Jordanie